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2015 Paid Internship Highlights

Intern Gallery

We got a generous donation from DenverTech4All. So to repay them the summer interns went to volunteer. "Their generosity was greatly appreciated," said intern Ebonne' Alexander


To learn more about their organization go to

DenverTech4All Volunteering


Promo Video Making

One of the interns big projects was to make a promotional video targeted at potential donors and parents. The pictures here are the behind scences of the video making.


The Festivals


In order to collect donations, funds, and spread the word about the organization. The interns sold t-shirts, lemonade, and snacks. At both The Black Arts Festival & The Safe Holly Festival."I was able to greatly improve my people skills at both events," said intern Genesis Oats 

To access the 2015 Intern Blog, please click here

    Meet Our 2015 Summer Interns!





My name is Genesis. I am 15 years old and I went to Denver School of the Arts (DSA). I am interning with Big Hair Bigger Dreams this summer because I like what the organization stands for and feel like it is important for African American girls to have a place where they can learn and grow together.


This is my second official job. I hope to build my resume, gain experiences for my next job and gain skills from this internship. Outside of working and school I like to get an early jump start in things, such as my career in fashion design and singing. I also like to hangout with my friends and speak with my leaders at the Boys and Girls club (Vickers) as well as enjoy time alone to recoup and relax.


This summer, you will be able to reach me at for futher information


Thank You

My name is Tanija. I am 14 years old and I went to GALS athletic leadership school. I am interning with Big Hair Bigger Dreams this summer because I like the mission of the organization and feel like it is important for African American girls to have a place where they can learn and grow together.
This is my first job. I hope to build my resume and gain experience for my next job. When I am NOT working or at school I like to go to the movies hang out with my friends and I also enjoy traveling and I like music and. One of my biggest dream is to travel I'm going around the world.
This summer you will be able to reach me at
Thank You



My name is Jayda. I am 14 years old and I will be attending East High School. I am interning with Big Hair, Bigger Dreams this summer because I want to learn tools for the work place now that I will be able to use later. We provide opportunities today to help girls accomplish their dreams tomorrow.


This is my first job. I am the Web and marketing manager. I will be updating the BHBD website and digital newsletter. One of the programs that BHBD offers is Educational Travel.



This summer you will be able to reach me at my business e-mail address


Thank You





My name is Ebonne' Alexander. I am fifteen years old and I go to George Washington High School as a junior. I am interning at Big Hair, Bigger Dreams this summer because I like the chances it gives to young African American women because I feel like it is important to make connects with others in our community while gaining the tools needed to be something in the world we live in today.


This is my first job and I hope to gain skills that I can apply to the real world. When I am not at school or work I like to listen to kpop as well as watch anime and Korean Dramas. I also love to read and learn. My biggest dream is to one day live in Korea and to become a Pediatric Surgeon.


You will be able to reach me at


Thank You



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